Sot më 13 shtator është Dita Ndërkombëtare e çokollatës.
Çokollata është një produkt ushqimor industrial që ka për bazë kakaon.
Ja ku jane 10 perfitimet kryesore qe ju merrni kur hani cokollata:
1. Ndihmon zemrën të qëndrojë e shëndetshme
2. Ndihmon memorien tuaj ndersa plakeni
3. Ndihmon te shmangni djegjen nga rrezet e diellit
4. Mund t’ju beje me te mire ne matematike
5. Mund tju ndryshoje humorin per mire
6. Mund te ndihmoje ne uljen e nivelit te kolesterolit
7. Mund te ndihmoje njerezit me semundjen Alzheimer
8. Mund tju ndihmoje te sterviteni mire ne palester
9. Eshte shume i ushqyeshem
10. Mund tju ndihmoje te ulni presionin e gjakut
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September 13th is International Chocolate Day.
Chocolate is a cocoa based industrial food product.
Here are our top 10 health benefits of chocolate.
1. It can help your heart to stay healthy
2. It may help improve your memory as you get older
3. It can help to avoid sunburn
4. It may make you better at math
5. It may put you in a better mood
6. It may help lower cholesterol levels
7. It may help people with Alzheimer’s disease
8. It can help you with your workout
9. It is very nutritious
10. It can help to lower your blood pressure